

My contribution to the genre (or as dumper "peggy" calls it, wendyvanitypaint).
On the plus side I like the combination of paint strokes with photocollage, or videocollage. (The gradients from all the dragging create a 3D effect that looks like cut up photos to me.)
On the minus side, these rubber-stamp or photoshop-brush style brushes are awfully clumsy. I searched for a way to shrink them to pencil width for some finer lines but couldn't figure out how to do it.
Also, couldn't figure out how to add my image to the "stream" so better hedge a prior statement about this site partaking of the "social" scene. It's possible that Kim Asendorf is "curating" the stream -- drop me an email if that's not so. [Update: Users publish to the "stream" by checking a small unidentified box with no "submit" button, leaving the drawing page, and praying to whatever deity or deities they worship -- should have known that, whoops]