1984 - So Boring!

Good idea for a post: Salon blogger finds "negative" Amazon reviews of classics such as The Grapes of Wrath, Anne Frank's diary, etc.

This one-starred review of the Bible is good, almost too good:

Man, this book is boring. All this weird stuff happens and it's harder to get into than Lord of the Rings. And what's up with the red writing and the LORD says stuff. All caps = rude, peter paul and mark, whoever the heck you are. And this is just badly written. James Patterson could do better. These apostles need to get a clue and hire a ghost writer. Even Miley Cyrus's manager was smart enough to do that. Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, indeed.

last.fm page


Thanks to WIZARDISHUNGRY for motivating me to "claim" my last.fm page. I added a photo (a still from Aron Namenwirth's video), a bio, and uploaded a song. Am not sure how much of my material I will ultimately put up there but this feels better than a blank page. I'm posting this screen shot to memorialize the "similar artists"--Love Like Deloreans, Gilles Deleuze, whoa. Click box for clearer view. (Not sure who saw me play live in Southampton, as I have never been there.)