anime clips

The end titles for the early Gainax anime (as in '80s) Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise are up on YouTube [sorry, removed by some dildo]. The sumi-brush-and-ink-wash drawings accompanied by Ryuichi Sakamoto's score are hard to beat.

The opening credits are up too but sandwiched between some plot (not that it's bad--just inconvenient).

Also on the anime (Gainax) tip:

Gunbuster - Buster Beam / Die Buster (quite a difference 16 years makes in terms of buster beam slice capability)

Am anticipating these links will have the usual mayfly lifespan.


Simon Reynolds has an omnibus post on RIFFS, worth checking out - especially for the live Devo and the "Polish Cream."

Some more examples could be added, all by Chrome, from 1978-82 (on YouTube, of course--the world's jukebox):

Innervacume (that's the spelling on the vinyl release, not "Inner Vacume"; YT commenter describes this as "neu+t.rex or early prince" - all true but had never thought of any of those comparisons before)

Nova Feedback (the RIFF starts about a minute in).

3rd from the Sun

Posted mp3s of all these Chrome songs 6 years ago and out of politeness took them down, ha.

My choice for the Stranglers would be Dagenham Dave.