Enough Units -- LP screenshot


Screenshot of release page for my 27th Bandcamp release, Enough Units.

Short songs with a few ambient-style pieces interspersed. Continuing the quest for concise combinations of electronic sounds, noise, canned beats intended for electronica producer-wannabes, and "loopable" phrases from old vinyl records. "Tunes" are used in this process of integration and commentary; musical development within a song, in the conservatory sense, occurs but as a means to an end: a theme, a chorus, a bridge, an abrupt segue to a new tune are useful in focusing attention on the timbral and mnemonic connections, in a way (I find) that mere drones, collages, washes of sound, and other ambient music vocabulary elements, are not. The song-smithing is as "discursive" as it needs to be. (As a friend noted, there is also intentional humor.)