PDF of 1995 Art in America article on abstract painting in Texas


(These thumbnails aren't click- or tap-able; please read on.)

Finally getting around to learning to make PDFs with LibreOffice.
I started with the .tif scans I used for this "poor man's PDF" a while back.
The scans were of pages from a 1995 Art in America article on abstract painting in Texas, featuring David Szafranski, John Pomara, Jeff Elrod, yours truly and others.
The .tifs were huge -- like 24 MB per page, at 300 dpi. I loaded them in the "Draw" portion of LibreOffice and exported them as a PDF, reducing the dpi to 150 and choosing jpeg compression at 85%. Voila, a legible PDF at only 2.6 MB. Feedback/comments on this would be appreciated, since I plan to do more of these.