St Celfer and Tom Moody, "eleven tracks" (collaborative LP) released on Bandcamp

In connection with our interview posted earlier this week, and our video/performance in Austin yesterday, St Celfer (aka John Parker) and I are pleased to announce the release of our new LP, "eleven tracks":

eleven tracks by St Celfer and Tom Moody

[Note: embedded players -- which I basically hate -- are replaced with links when they move off the blog front page]

The release is available for purchase as a CD, or as a download. Liner notes:

St Celfer and Tom Moody have been collaborating off and on since 2004. In this release "eleven tracks," each artist chooses several recent songs by the other and discusses them.

[You can] click or tap the individual songs to read commentary about them.

"On Breaking the Square," a 10-page dialogue between the two musicians about their work, philosophies, and "how they got where they got" in the past 16 years accompanies the digital version of this release as a bonus item (PDF).

Cover: Tom Moody, made with "Epson Print CD" and incorporating a detail from a video realization of his track "Melding Principle (Three Nebulaes)," employing John Romero's encoding/decoding program Pitahaya. See