More on Breasts in the Lobby

My post on the removal of artist Diana Kingsley's work from a curated show in the lobby of a 5th Avenue building ("Get those breasts out of the lobby, they're offending women") drew some lively online discussion: 1 2 3 4

I want to add that it is also being discussed on the blog "How's My Dealing?", where commenters anonymous and otherwise weigh in on art world power brokers (gallerists, critics, curators). The blogger, "Buck Naked," assigns a red X or a green O to the personage "based on your positive or negative feedback, and my sense of your sincerity. It's an imperfect system."

Currently curator Elisabeth Akkerman has a red X because of the Kingsley incident. She is a curator hired by arts patron and real estate businessman Francis Greenburger to organize exhibitions in his lobbies; she picked the Kingsley piece, named the show after it ("Blue Ribbon"), and then removed it after complaints. We don't know exactly who complained or what Greenburger's role was in vetting the work after it was installed.

An anonymous commenter on "How's My Dealing?" chides Buck Naked for his/her anonymity and says:

I would only hope that someone who chooses to host a blog on NYC dealers, curators and critics - and appoints him or herself judge, jury and executioner - has some serious creds. I'm very familiar with Akkerman, OMI, her boss, and the complex politics involved. Although it was very unfortunate that the piece was removed (I've had my own work censored in a public space before, know how it feels), blaming Akkerman is naive. [link to the Greenburger-endowed Art OMI added]

My reply in the comment thread:

What are these complex politics? Please share. Also, any particular reason you didn't mention Akkerman's boss by name? Lastly, how in the world can you have a beef with someone for posting anonymously when you do the same?

Hopefully we'll get more facts about the incident and who actually made the decision to remove the work. (Right.)