Neither Apple Nor Linux

"So, Tom, we know you hate the Apple 'family' of products but what is your alternative?"

Windows using open source apps and turning off as many services and as much "Bill junk" as possible (e.g., Windows Media Player). XP is pretty good for things like sound drivers; its file and foldering system is nice. No stupid graphic stuff like images morphing into smaller images as they head south to the icon dock, as with Apple. XP is tweakable to a stripped down system with plain vanilla interfaces into which you can load programs of your own choosing, such as media players, browsers, email clients, and sound-, image- and video-editors. Once you've chosen not to use the Bill junk it stays out of your way. You just need a good antivirus since Windows is the attack target of choice.

"Why not Linux if you're such a geek purist and hater of hyped-up, supposedly consumer friendly but ultimately non-configurable crap products like Apple?"

Take it away, Paul Slocum.

Digital Painting? Who Knew?

It's weird and slightly pathetic that it took the iPhone to make people discover that digital painting exists. The technology to make "smeary" paintings has been used in advertising for years. This New York Times article (and apparently the art editor of the New Yorker) are suddenly all agog that it can be done, because someone did one on an iPhone. See also this discussion on Paddy Johnson's blog of David Hockney's similar amazing discovery (and this followup).

When it's about advertising a marvelous, life changing Apple (TM) product suddenly everyone wakes up to the world around them.