Rhizome Relaunch Bugs 2

An earlier post on the 2011 relaunch of Rhizome.org contains a list of links to the site from my Digital Media Tree blog that are still broken, as well as a few that were fixed. The broken links are listed below. The first URL of these pairs is a dead link found on my old blog that doesn't redirect to a new page; the second is its current location, tracked down searching words or phrases on the Rhizome search page. Revisiting/revising these old posts serves as research for my eventual book The Lost Years: Art on the Internet Between The Dot Com Crash and the Rise of Facebook, as well as boring personal recordkeeping. In upcoming posts will do a similar compilation of dead links to Rhizome from my current blog. Much of the writing doesn't make sense if these links don't work, so I am correcting them in the posts via updates.

These links aren't just about my work; have been covering the scene for a while now so it's a diverse collection.

http://www.rhizome.org/fp.rhiz?id=3860 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2007/jul/14/interview-with-silicious/

http://rhizome.org/thread.rhiz?thread=26212 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2007/jun/15/rhizome-2007-08-commissions-announcement/ (Rhizome 2007-2008 Commissions announced - please note these are elsewhere called the 2008-2009 Commissions)

http://www.rhizome.org/fp.rhiz?id=3616 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2007/may/9/sketch-monochrome-gradient/ (Lauren Cornell reblogged this GIF frame of mine - still much appreciated, but now I am no longer mentioned in the post)

http://rhizome.org/thread.rhiz?thread=24996&page=1#47095 is now http://rhizome.org/announce/events/47095/ (Baudrillard event on World of Warcraft)

http://rhizome.org/fp.rhiz/?id=2463 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2006/aug/12/p-lansky-club-vs-academic-electronic-music/ (again, appreciate the reblogging of my post but the reblogging now gives authorship credit to Marisa Olson)

http://www.rhizome.org/fp.rhiz?id=1853 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2006/apr/29/gifs-galore-and-more/ (Net Art News on The GIF Show)

http://www.rhizome.com/fp.rhiz?id=1416 is now http://rhizome.org/discuss/view/20235/ (Sal Randolph report on the 2006 Net Aesthetics 2.0 panel - scroll down to Randolph's comment)

http://rhizome.org/fp.rhiz?id=898 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2005/nov/26/the-arcane-art-of-tracking-vs-the-amen-break/

http://www.rhizome.com/fp.rhiz?id=666 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2005/oct/31/tom-moody-chats-w-cory-arcangel/ (the link to the interview in the post is dead)

http://www.newmuseum.org/now_cur_RhizomeArtBase101.htm is now http://archive.rhizome.org:8080/exhibition/artbase101/

http://rhizome.org/netartnews/story.rhiz/?×tamp=20050518 is now http://rhizome.org/editorial/2005/may/18/how-to-succeed-in-the-arts-by-really-trying/ (an old "Net Art News" item assigned to "editorial"--needs a content tag)

Update, July 2011: The links listed above have all been fixed by Rhizome (thanks!) with the exception of the one New Museum link.