the re-materialization of commodification

Four years after the rematerialization of art was beaten to a bloody pulp as a discussion topic, the corpse rises again in Jennifer Chan's 45 page meditation on net art commodification (intro/link to PDF).

Chan seems to have missed the re-materialization confab on Rhizome but it's the same issues. Without even the beginnings of a consensus on what net art is, by all means let's keep diving into the shallows of how it can be sold. In America (and maybe elsewhere) we don't know much about art but we loo-o-o-oove to talk about money, or our lack of it.

stretched pixel landscapes


Screenshot/detail from large page of enlarged pixel animations by A. Bill Miller.
Miller is using Nullsleep's code to make browsers render pages accurately rather than mandatorily fuzzing them out.
Viewing Miller's ocean of pixels the right way inspires after a couple of years of browser (and Apple)-induced myopia. So this is what cyberspace looks like!