a religious argument (Facebook again)

Oh, Jebus, the Facebook argument again.
Last night at an art opening. Bear in mind there's only one person having this argument because there is only one person not on Facebook.
That person is The Atheist in an America where everyone believes in God or says they do because they might run for office someday.

Believer: By not being on Facebook you are missing out on the richness of The Social Graph [Divine Grace].
Atheist: Zuckerberg is not a benevolent God, he is a gnostic demon who has snared you in a false, simulated world of "rich social connection."
Believer: I respect that you have not Joined Us, I really do [look on face says "you are certifiably fucking insane not to be on Facebook in 2013"].
Atheist: My blog is driving traffic to my twitter and it would be no different if I were on Facebook.
Believer: You built your blog audience when that was still doable and now you're grandfathered in to traffic via RSS, past exposure and links, etc. No creative person could do that today. You HAVE to join a social media enclave or you're dead.
Atheist: Have you tried it - just posting on your own site and letting people find you through search engines, "word of mouth," etc?
Believer: No, but [look on face says "you are certifiably fucking insane not to be on Facebook in 2013"].