
Was trying to photograph the stupid "no pax" LED sign on the front of the train which means "no peace" to us Romans but my cell is just not up to it. Yet I like this photo.


carjackcker posted a GIF of Storm, from the X-Men, looking strangely bulbous and flying around in a circle in the sky. The frame below grabbed my eye, for the way its extreme foreshortening turned the character into an almost-abstract blob. Originally I had her centered against a blank sky background but then decided to overlay her over something. Fishing around my hard drive I found a frame from a topologically distorted version of my blog logo (blogo?) that someone (apologies for the dropped attribution) made a while back. Many of the colors were the same, and the distortions of the figure and background seemed to resonate. The jagged pixel edges, a byproduct of transparentizing the original background, "expose the seams" for an added touch of self-referential authenticity. [/gratuitous exegesis]
