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copied and pasted:

framed photos of Konrad Fischer in 1967 and Ghislain Mollet-Viéville in 1975
photos from the Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden (former SS bunkers and Hitler’s eagles nest)
photos of bunkers in Switzerland camouflaged as rock formations
photos of cars with furniture and other worldly possession tied precariously on top of them
photo of tourist taking other tourist's photo with white sculptures of lion, classical figure, modernist abstractions, etc behind them
photos of smashed kaleidoscope contents in floor puddles
silhouetted man studies digital projection of bodybuilder on wall (link to video)
16th Century woodcut of holy roman emperor leading spear-carrying aboriginals
barefoot and/or injured people re-enact G8 summit conference
gold scimitar encrusted with gold plated jewels, skulls, and tumorous growths
gray and white sculpture in gallery space resembling model of high rise building
blurry photos of high rise apartment towers with green space (river banks) in foreground
ebay logo rendered on canvas with Abstract Expressionist paint splashes
relationpalooza: "Negotiation skills course, staff of the Kunstverein München, verbal interactions, ink on paper"
original diagram of a museum display case, glass shelving and bought, found and borrowed artifacts
five vitrines in row: four with tropical plants and one with projector aimed at paper rolls on wall with fractal marbling
group show installation photo with stack of DJ crates and mosaic grid of illegible images
scale model of escalator made of cardboard, plexiglas, enamel paint, MDF board
electronic sensor pads attached to public stair-rail with title "Tuned Stairway"
mazes in art 5: exterior construction scaffolding and stairs fill Mediterranean-style gallery interior
mazes in art 4: construction of wood 2x4s in gallery supports ascending spiral ramp
mazes in art 3: yellow tent scaffolding forms nested yellow arches in gallery
mazes in art 2: yoko ono plexiGlas maze in gallery
mazes in art 1: spiral jetty-like wooden raft
solid colors of acrylic paint poured on tops of mock-Neolithic vases
grisaille computer graphic of cast shadows in domestic interior with JG Ballard reference in title
black "Ad Reinhardt" made with CSS for web page
motion detectors analyze lightness distinctions of images taken by the cameras on opposite sides of each other
translucent rhomboids overlap Cubist-style against black background (still from video)
cut-up, painted-on map appears to be dripping blood
digital photo pastiche of kitsch objects hovering in front of grisaille gradient
anni albers 1947 horizontal band abstraction made of cotton, hemp, and metallic thread
computer program breaks down film into vertical/horizontal lines or concentric squares
18 antennas in gallery space represent antenna field of military base
21 monitors face each other in circle with individually looping dvds of b&w photo imagery
upside down white plaster building with doric columns supporting moonscape on "roof"
diptych of Christian crosses made of illegible materials (track lighting and wall molding?) against white and wood grain surfaces
magician's wand photographed in sections on shiny surface
makeshift raft with ladder and home furnishings floats in ocean surf
photos of car radios "taken while good music was playing"
grey, washy, biomorphic, psychosexual Picasso drawing
list of almost every city, town, village, or named living location in the world (book and video)
olympic themed photo collage with checkerboards in mall atrium
john chamberlainesque crushed airplane on sidewalk
kaleidoscopic grisaille pattern projected from tripod onto glass (?) panel
data moshy pastiche with blurred faces, partially legible pixelated imagery including palm trees