remix of found GIF of a "popular superhero" (missing in action)
Large version (more exciting)
They needed the last button - this is a proposed revision to the web's equivalent of the applause light. "Typical" could be a synonym but that's probably not how the HuffPo meant it.
I asked Deborah Solomon of the New York Times why she interviewed Bush torture memo author John Yoo:
TM: Do you regret interviewing John Yoo, author of the Justice Department memos that claimed that President Bush was legally entitled to ignore laws prohibiting torture?
Solomon: No, I had to interview him. It was my job. As a journalist, I had a public. The public needed information.
OK, that didn't really happen (satirical license and all that). Here's the conversation that actually ran in the Times:
Solomon: Do you regret writing the so-called torture memos, which claimed that President Bush was legally entitled to ignore laws prohibiting torture?
Yoo: No, I had to write them. It was my job. As a lawyer, I had a client. The client needed a legal question answered.