work on paper


Surge Molecule, 2011, photocopies, linen tape, 8.5 x 11 inches (studio installation view)

I still have a redweld folder full of paper scraps from a previous body of work, dating back to the late '90s; occasionally I get the urge to make something with them. The above piece falls somewhere between a quilt and a mosaic made with computer printouts xeroxed onto office color paper. It is held together on the back with strips of cut, gummed framer's tape, used to join the individual facets together and forming a de facto armature that makes the piece look more solid than it is.

Will post details of this eventually but there's a tendency for close-up photography to omit the character or personality of an object as it sits in the room. The chair is here (as usual) for scale, in this studio installation shot.