waveform bitmaps



These are cropped screencaps of the .wav file from "Triangle Wave Modulation." The patterns are similar to what you see on an oscilloscope but narrower on the horizontal axis. Because this is Cubase on Windows, the bells and whistles factor is pretty low - the idea is to generate these sound files on the fly with just enough resolution to see them but not so they slow down the music processing while rendering. Saved as a bitmaps, the files are converted to GIFs without losing any detail; each is around 20KB - that's efficient. One thinks of Argyle socks, and Vasarely paintings, but it's just a diagram of a warbling bloop.

tweets on anonymity

models of celebrity culture & spin are ingrained in the lowest levels of artistic plebedom. E.g., self promotion thru publicity photos

for every young cindy sherman there are 100 bad britney spears publicists

paraphrasing germaine greer: we should aspire to be the faceless artisans who built the cathedrals