selected twitter favs, apr - nov 2013

kacie kim - 4 nov
is your mama a llama

mirrrroring 30 oct
definitely just googled 'pacific rim job' cuz i HAD to know if that existed (it does)

Herve Le Douche 23 oct
"Now more than ever, mobile devices are at the center of consumers' lives as they look to capture, curate and share experiences on the go,"

guthrie lonergan 22 Oct
man in suit ashing cigar vertically out of sunroof

Nullsleep 22 oct
My next album will be available in a variety of formats including concrete, steel, and blistered lamb leather.

Nullsleep 21 Oct
Weaponized Waveforms

Jeff Sisson 13 Oct
We’re seeing lots of investment in the “sunday styles bay area tech scene article” space

kacie kim 14 Sep
i'm tired of my animals

mashedpotatohead 11 Sep
someone please let me know when John McCain passes from his mad cow disease so I can fire up a stogie

Jon Williams 2 Sep
The life and times of minimal synth bros who wear pilgrim shoes everywhere

Nullsleep ‏26 Aug
The Captcha in the Rye

Jeff Sisson ‏14 Aug
my new one: SHARE THIS 666, “browser extension that replaces all Twitter/Facebook/Google share counts with 666”

Petra Cortright 11 Jul
never forget kittens distort into a cat

Jeff Sisson 29 Jun
did not know FT slogan is “We live in Financial Times”

Travis Hallenbeck 28 Jun

t r a v i s

brian blomerth 24 Jun
I thought M.I.L.F. stood for...Mom I'd Like to Forgive...

Evan Ratliff 11 Jun
Stop. Turning. Each. Word. Into. A. Sentence. For jokey emphasis.

brian blomerth ‏10 Jun
Facebook's a fucking dust bowl

brian blomerth ‏@pupsintrouble 21 May
Stop actin like Seinfeld. Start actin like Christ.

brian blomerth 18 May
If you texted me in the last 24 hours i didnt get it-whats more is I don't care

M.E.S.H. ‏9 May
need super hifi samples of dry logs being snapped in two

Jeff Sisson 22 Apr
contemporary vinyl producers use “smart skips” which know when the DJ has to go to the bathroom