swallow this ... or society will fall apart

Stop Me Before I Vote Again has a couple of posts noting authoritarian language used by Team Hillary. Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich admonishes Sanders supporters:

[Y]our conscience should know that a decision not to vote for Hillary, should she become the Democratic nominee, is a de facto decision to help Donald Trump...

[M]y morsels of advice may be hard to swallow...

But swallow it you must -- not just for the good of the Democratic Party, but for the good of the nation. [emphasis added by TM]

And Markos Moulitsas, who has been bossing Daily Kos readers around for years, lays down the law for 2016:

I will no longer tolerate malicious attacks on our presumptive presidential nominee...

Constructive criticism from the Left is allowed. There’s a difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Do I need to spell it out? ... In general, if you’re resorting to cheap sloganeering like “oligarch” or “warmonger” or “neocon”, you might want to reframe your argument in a more substantive, issue-focused and constructive matter...

Saying you won’t vote, or will vote for Trump, or will vote for Jill Stein (or another Third Party) is not allowed...

If you are going to be pessimistic, you better support it... Rank, unsupported pessimism is anathema to our data-driven, reality based culture.

If you are a Clinton supporter, spiking the football in the face of Sanders supporters isn’t a productive way to move us forward. After March 15… such spiking [is] bannable. [emphasis added by TM]