[The text of this post has been removed and consolidated with the original m.po list of banal phrases from Jan. 2016. --tm]
Day: February 2, 2017
albert oehlen (2017)
Untitled (Baum 84), 2016, oil on dibond, 98 7/16 × 98 7/16 inches © Albert Oehlen. Photo by Stefan Rohner.
The Gagosian empire sent this image in a press release email -- tasty! At least, as a jpeg.
The show opens Feb 26 in the 21st Street space.
The paintings are big, in case your second loft needs wall hangings.
There was a time when Oehlen was a bad boy, sigh.
Still arguing with Clinton corporate Democrats. Steve Bannon, internet troll turned White House honcho, is the new lightning rod for the HuffPo set. On a private page, am talking with someone who feels we must put our trust in the "intelligence community" to protect us from... the alt-right.
Am sick of this discussion so here's the reply I would have made if I wanted to continue it:
Alt-right is a Clinton term -- you seem to be using it to mean Ultimate Badness but to me it just means "Breitbart."
Bannon seems to have become the new Dr Evil superbrain to the suddenly-invigorated left. But he can't be that smart if he thought Obama was an ACORN person, rather than a Finance-Insurance-Real Estate person.
Clearly the Trump/Bannon "strategy" is to throw out a lot of stuff in the first week that makes libruls' heads explode.
Pick an issue -- am waiting to see if they try to slip anything by on net neutrality.
Worrying about which warmongers are going to be on the NSC can be your issue.