"Esperklatsch Variation"

"Esperklatsch Variation" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Have been using the Elektron Octatrack wrong, which isn't entirely my fault, since the manual does a lousy job of explaining how Parts work. Merlin's guide [pdf] finally straightened me out. So this tune is all done with my new knowledge (as Tai Lopez suggests, it's about the knowledge). Not that anyone would know, since I've been using the PC to cover what I thought were the Elektron device's limitations.
Most of the banks (and Parts) here use sliced single-cycle waveforms, which provides the vintage sequencer sound. Other audio comes from the same grab-bag of recycled material used in "Esperklatsch."
Another development was getting comfortable doing a final mix on Linux, using compressor and limiter plugins from LSP. Had sort of been clinging to the PSP Vintage Warmer on Windows, but now I've cut it loose and am completely Gates-free.
And last, using Audacity to convert to .mp3.

Update: Minor tweaks, reposted.