Bettie Page Science Fiction Stretch

Posted as a comment to L.M.'s Page-inspired GIF cluster:

A C.M. Kornbluth story called "Shark Ship," written in the '50s, I think, has a flotilla-based oceangoing people surviving and conserving every calorie in a Waterworld type scenario.
The mainland has killed itself because of a death cult that took hold in the over-refined, decadent general populace.
The cult was started by an Irving Klaw-like bondage photo entrepreneur, who recognized in B&D the public craving for death and turned that appetite into a repressive mass cult.
The oceangoing people were set adrift years before by wise social engineers, in anticipation that the mainland would inevitably burn itself out. The boat people's purpose (unbeknownst to them) is to revitalize the mainland culture. By focusing so keenly on group survival, for several generations, they have rediscovered what is good and necessary in life and become Earth's next generation of leaders.
(Your science fiction tie-in for the day--although it doesn't deal with the mysticism aspect of your mandelbrotdalas.)

NY in LA, LA in TX, TX in NY

One of the locations of the Distributed Gallery where some of my GIF videos are showing is the store Ooga Booga, in Los Angeles. It is having an opening tonight of a show called Secondary Market, curated by Hanne Mugaas, consisting of paintings, sculptures and art ephemera bought from eBay.

In Dallas, And/Or Gallery features "new paintings by Milwaukee-based artist, Peter Barrickman, and new digital prints and images by Petra Cortright, a new media artist from Los Angeles." The reception is tomorrow.

Bringing this post full circle, Paul Slocum, artist and proprietor of And/Or Gallery, will be showing work in the project space at artMovingProjects in NY (John Giglio in the main space). The opening is tonight.

Kind of a real world web ring (critics might have a more off-color term).