Mapcidy Props - Thanks

This blog was listed as a "best NY art blog" by Mapcidy with the following statement:

The transition from print to virtual is one that is happening across the world, propelled mostly by the younger generations. Fewer people are reading newspapers and magazines, turning instead to blogs. The news is more of-the-minute; often real time. There is less accountability or standards of accuracy, but people are more eager for news than for truth anyway. Certainly the New York Times is keeping a watchful eye on the Huffington Post, and US Weekly has to be less than thrilled with Dlisted and Perez. The art world, however, lags slightly behind this trend. Most people still turn to that bible of all things arty - Artforum - for thought-provoking discussion. Art tends to be less about real-time reporting since it develops at a slower pace than one of Sienna Miller's relationships, and stays relevant for longer than one news cycle. Yet, young artists are all about the immediate, and the virtual, and they aren't going hungry. At least not mentally - I can't speak for their stomachs. For those of you who don't touch paper anymore, there are some good art blogs out there. Here is a list I have culled from some of the best art schools in NYC. These kids know what is hot and who to listen to, so I am passing their wisdom on to you. And so I give you the MFA student's virtual guide to NY's art scene.

This blog is honored and will try to keep things entertaining and straight shooting. It's gratifying to still be read after turning off comments a year and a half ago, a move which annoyed some people. It's still nice to wake up in the morning and not have to read someone accusing me of bad motives on my own page.