Perry House, part II


7-20-09, acrylic on Arches Aquarella, 22 x 30, 2009

Painting by Houston artist Perry House, who was written about here a few years ago. This new work appeared in a show that just closed at D.M. Allison gallery. (hat tip JP)

The gallery says that

While [the Helter Skelter series] is not necessarily a sequel to his Happyville series, in the artist's latest body of work the colors are still indeed joyful, there is plenty of perspective, with recognizable architectural elements not evident in earlier works.

Those elements actually were in some of House's earliest art and its nice to see them back with a new De Chirico-esque pallette and mood. One might add, De Chirico in the wake of a tornado--the scuola metafisica painter was never this agitated.