"Control Panel" Panel

Just a quick note that there is a panel discussion tomorrow (Sat, July 25) at 4 pm in connection with the "Control Panel" show at Honey Ramka gallery in Bushwick.
The moderator is Veronika Szkudlarek, who teaches digital painting at Ontario College of Art and Design. I and several other show participants will be on the panel, talking about the questions posed by Szkudlarek below. Please come! The location is: Honey Ramka, Brooklyn, 56 Bogart Street, 1st floor (across from the Morgan L stop).

The show, in part, generalizes your work as exhibiting a “machine aesthetic.” Do you see your artwork as (or is your practice) conversant with machines or mechanization?

Is your artwork in 'Control Panel' somehow in contrast with or in opposition to other kinds of work you make?

What are your thoughts on another artwork in the show?

facebook is inevitable so express your radical nature with a facebook group

Rhizome has another pro-Facebook post up, in this case a strange argument by writer Dorothy Howard that gives reasons for not being on Facebook (anti-privacy, commercialization), gives several examples of "alternative publics" outside Facebook, and then concludes with a plug for the author's newly-created Facebook group. Why stay on there if it's so bad? "These days," Howard writes, "Facebook is so widely used that opting out constitutes an act of defiance of the norm."
The article has drawn a few comments. I questioned Howard's demographics but more to the point, isn't defying the norm what artists and radical politicos are supposed to be doing? Howard wants to defy the norm and also receive "likes."