Lyonel Feininger paintings on LP covers

"Bloggregation" of jpegs of this single artist's work, featured on classical music covers (from Discogs, except Feininger Impulse, via Bezos). Four of these images are duplicates, but the reproduction quality is, er, variable, so they are included as well. Most of the recordings are of 20th Century modernist composers; Feininger himself made music and is featured on a couple of releases. Picasso/Braque-style Cubism comes immediately to mind in the style of these paintings; however, Feininger was an American, who exhibited in shows of German Expressionist movements while studying in Germany. American Precisionists such as Charles Demuth and Charles Sheeler also could be invoked. Clearly if Feininger did not exist it would be necessary for modernist music LP cover-designers to invent him. The paintings set an "angular," "analytical" tone for the music, or vice versa.

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