Mala Iqbal

mala iqbal

Haven't seen these paintings in person but they shine on the web. Some incorporate graffiti styles into conventional landscapes in successful, surprising ways. Severe clashes of painting styles or mindsets within a single image (the ol' semiotic investigation, but lyrical somehow) may be one of the things painting has left to do as visual culture is moving more to electrons and bytes.

Wobble Bass

Some dubstep songs (hat tip p.d.) incorporating "wobble" filter bass: ("li-quid dancehall")

A "how to make wobble filter bass using Native Instruments' Massive synth" tutorial:

Slightly off topic, it's interesting that with all the internet radio station models out there (, et al), YouTube seems to be becoming the jukebox of choice. Even if it's just a single frozen image of a record cover, people seem to want something to stare at while they're listening. Or maybe it's that YouTube's ease of loading appeals over all the complicated iTunes/Winamp style players on the "be your own dj" sites.