Hello from Pointcastville

Have been following a discussion on the Rhizome Raw listserv (via RSS) about the relevance and future of Rhizome.org (a new media non-profit affiliated with the New Museum that started as a listserv and has been slowly adding bloglike features). Patrick Lichty, who considers himself a "90s generation" net artist, has this to say:

Content - the listserv, while vibrant in terms of lists like Empyre and
IDC, are largely '90s modes of communication. Instead of circulating
content, digital discourse has turned into a "booth" mentality, in which
bloggers pointcast and hope that people aggregate their blog. It isn't
about the collective discourse as much as a constellation of little
stations and brands. Many of them are structured so that they might
even make money from their brand of content, such as
ichanhascheezburger.com (a LOLcat site) that is the source of income now
for the creator.

The next generation of New Media artists (from which I am from the prior
gen) have a different set of agendas, priorities, and degrees of
support. [...]

Secondly, from having hung out for a long time, it was [the original Rhizome crew's] primary
conceptual project for the first 2-3 years; I didn't see them out on a
lot of residencies, writing for other entities, maybe a little curation.
But from my vantage point, for the first couple years, they
didn't do much else.

And lastly, from two-three places from the preceding, although we are in
a period of "social media", it appears that it is a particulate cloud of
individuals trying to promote their own work/agendas and forming
alliances/networking for enlightened self-interest rather than acting
collectively. In many ways, it feels like grass-roots collectivism
versus free-market competition.

I had a bad experience with the Empyre listserv a while back. They invited four bloggers as guest panelists and the bloggers immediately started posting links to their blogs to show what they were working on as opposed to lengthily describing it. This led to accusations that the bloggers were self-obsessed and the panel devolved into a (boring) lists vs blogs debate. Three of the panelists bailed after the first week of what was supposed to be a month-long dialog.

At the recent Internet Sleepover I got a fair amount of grief for turning off my comments. Some people were nice to say they valued it as a forum for discussion of Internet art issues. I enjoyed that as well. Lichty is correct that I've been "pointcasting" but the objective wasn't just to get passively "aggregated" (added to people's RSS feeds) but to provide a forum for issues that weren't being discussed elsewhere on the open Net. After a few years we ended up with a de facto collective of regular commenters. Some of whom occasionally expressed their dissatisfaction with the content of the ListServs.

Digital Media Tree, where my blog was until July, lent itself to this community of interest because it remained very open and easy to comment to. No registration, no prior vetting of comments, no "captchas". It was little slice of 1999, when blogs first started in earnest. Now that I'm at Word Press I would have to impose some restrictions on comments or stay up to date on the anti-spam plugins to keep the raw sewage of the Internet off the page, neither of which I'm eager to do. Comments were also getting burdensome at the Tree--it took a lot of energy to keep the threads interesting and somewhat civilized.

While I mull over the "comment dilemma" I welcome all who made the move with me over to this URL. I will try to keep it interesting despite the lack of intermittent fights erupting over the issues of the day. This blog will be more content-oriented, as in my art and music--that's one reason I moved, knowing full well that many were more interested in the fights.