Loops, Rings, Circles and Infinity

Thanks to Michelle Kasprzak for including my work in a del.icio.us Tag Gallery exhibition she curated--the title of the exhibit is "Loops, Rings, Circles and Infinity."
As she explains on her blog:

I was recently invited by the lovely folks at CONT3XT.NET to curate a “TAGallery”. This concept essentially involved selecting works on a theme of my choice, and then using the popular social bookmarking system del.icio.us to tag my choices, which are presented as an exhibition of sorts in del.icio.us. Or as the CONT3XT.NET folks put it, TAGallery “…transfers the main tasks of noncommercial exhibition spaces to the discourse of an electronic data-space. The method of tagging allows the attribution of artworks to different thematic fields.”

Exhibition 007_Loops, Rings, Circles and Infinity was tagged by yours truly, and here’s what I had to say about my selections:

“Connectivity on the Web is often thought of in a linear fashion – point to point, server to server. This perception might be rational and convenient, but the way that we use the web is often more circular, looping upon itself, or seemingly without end. The artworks selected for this TAGallery represent the opposite of a finite or fixed experience."


With works by: Tom Moody, Lisa Jevbratt, Mark Napier, Myfanwy Ashmore, Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn, John F. Simon, Jr., Alistair Gentry.

Exhibition at TAGallery: http://del.icio.us/TAGallery/EXHIBITION_loop.infinity
Statement: http://del.icio.us/TAGallery/STATEMENT_loop.infinity
Tagger/curator: http://del.icio.us/TAGallery/TAGGER_loop.infinity

When Michelle first proposed this to me I thought the "GIF grid" piece she had selected used one of my "found, artist unknown" GIFs. Then I remembered I actually made it. That's how kitschy I am.