macho writers and women after they die

Am reading or re-reading two of the great macho writers: Dashiell Hammett and Robert E. Howard. Both were emasculated after death by female biographers who were close to them. Novalyne Price's posthumous quotes from Howard make him seem like another mere angry right-winger ranting about the death of civilization. Lillian Hellman in her intro to The Big Knockover dwells on Hammett's illnesses, drinking, and years as a non-productive writer.* I haven't read Price's Howard bios, only the quotes a Howard scholar lifted from them but REH sounds like an ass, which he is anything but in his supremely confident writing.
Price admits not liking one of his main creations, Conan the Barbarian. It's hard to see how this wouldn't color her impressions of the man. "Oh yeah, world, you like that big brawler? Well let me tell you about the mama's boy who created him (after he is safely dead)."
The interesting stories, O Long-Lived Women, are not the bundles of frailties behind the legends but how the frailties were transcended or sidestepped in writing that endures. In her Knockover intro Hellman tells us nothing about how the young Hammett could be so smart about human nature or how his years with the Pinkerton detective agency prepared him for his intricately-wrought plots. Instead we get emphysema, hoarding, booze and jail. You have to keep reminding yourself as you read what Mary McCarthy famously said about Hellman. Conan, as Howard paints him, is more akin to a philosopher-king than Schwarzenegger muscleman, and the stories, like Hammett's, have a preternaturally wised-up world view for having been written by someone so young (and even less travelled than Hammett). That's what we want to know about, not his personal opinions on, say, how decaying societies become sex-obsessed. In fairness to Price, perhaps her biographies bristle with more insight than the few quotes I've read -- will read them and let you know.
And of course, biography is not literary criticism and we shouldn't hold that standard to people who tell us about people. Unfortunately literary critics look at any scraps of biographical info (especially about tight-lipped writers) to explain the stories. Hence this short gripe.

*Update: A friend commented that Hellman also attests to Hammett's intelligence and character in that intro. True, but her compliments seem backhanded: the lingering image is of a man reading a stack of complicated books on a variety of subjects yet no longer assimilating them into art.

my set last night, incl. "Ladies' Paradise I," "Who Let Him Out?" "New Wavs," "Fork It Over Remix"

from the Disquiet Junto performances at Apex Art last night, in mp3 form:

"Ladies' Paradise I" [mp3 rmoved to Bandcamp]*

"Who Let Him Out? (Ladies' Paradise II)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]*

"Semi-Aleatoric" (mp3 moved to Bandcamp)

"Spring Forward" (mp3 moved to Bandcamp)

"New Wavs" [mp3 removed -- tune is now on Bandcamp]

"Fork It Over (Remix)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

Many thanks to event organizer Marc Weidenbaum and Apex for a well-planned, fun evening.
*I told Marc I would post on Soundcloud the two "Ladies' Paradise" remixes above, based on samples I made from the Disquiet Junto retail store field recordings, but I lied. Just realized Soundcloud requires a Facebook login, and you know what that means around here. For the time being I hope I can be classed as a Junto Adjunct - if that's OK with Marc.

Update: Am told I "don't need Facebook to make a Soundcloud account" but this sign-up screen has Zuckerprints all over it!

Update 2:

woodfloors: that's just a button.. the form below requires no such zuckery

tommoody: if that's the case they need to work on their layout - "sign up with facebook" probably shouldn't be the first thing you see when you come to the login screen

melipone: fb wants and is close to being the single login

tommoody: it's just - it's just - evil